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Own My Data
Logo and UI for a data privacy platform that aims to give users agency over their own personal data
April - July 2019
My Role
User Experience, User Interface, Identity
Sam Yoon (Founder)
Edison Rho
Harry Lim
Alex Zhong
Own My Data was started by Deloitte employee Sam Yoon as a side project with the intention of giving the power of personal data back to users. In an age where we do practically anything online, from communicating with friends and family on social media to banking and managing our own healthcare, it has become more important than ever to know where our information is going and what's being done with it.
^ Initial prototype presented at ON: Pitch by Harry Lim (Software Developer) on behalf of Sam Yoon (Founder)
When thinking about the identity of Own My Data, we wanted to convey a sense of empowerment and reliability.
This is conveyed through symbolism in the icon and emphasising the word 'Own' by putting it in bold letters.
Putting the user in the centre of the safeguard also reflects the idea of human-centred design and reinforces that only users should be able to control their personal data.
Own My Data's vision is to empower users to control their personal data which is done in three steps:
Education through visualisations of how their data is circulating on social media platforms, allowing users to control what data platforms can access and potentially monetise from third parties using their data.
The final feature is more on the ideal end of the spectrum rather than the feasible but we received feedback from users that they'd be interested to see how the monetisation part could work.
Currently, Sam and the rest of the team at Own My Data are busy conducting alpha testing as they prepare to launch it to the public. Due to time constraints, I've had to finish up and pass the work I've done to a new UX/UI and graphic designer who are iterating the UI of the website and creating digital content to spread awareness.
Still and all, I believe the startup will make a huge impact in how personal data circulates and is utilised with each information we share online. Together we believe only you own your data. If you want to know more about this venture, feel free to check it out and like it on Facebook!
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